Pro Junk Dispatch

News Blog

2020-07-01 By Admin

Used TV disposal. It doesn’t sound like much of a chore, now does it. But, here you are, reading this article, looking for answers. You’ve got a problem on your hands. And, you’ve come to learn the hard way it’s not as simple as you first thought. The local trash collection ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-07-01 By Admin

Old picnic table disposal. There’s no doubting it’s something that needs doing but how? Unfortunately, there are few options but that certainly doesn’t mean you’re stuck with it. In fact, you can often salvage an old picnic table, with just a bit of careful TLC. It’s ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-30 By Admin

Lawn mower disposal is a tough situation. There’s a lot which makes it a difficult thing to do. First off all, it’s old. Second, it’s used. Third, it's not exactly in high demand. People just aren’t routinely seeking it out. Instead, they go for the new equipment because ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-29 By Admin

Refrigerator disposal. Such a simple thing to do, right? Wrong. In fact, if you haven’t yet tried to dispose of a major appliance, you’re in for a not so pleasant surprise. It’s actually quite a chore to get rid of any old appliance. And, refrigerator disposal is certainly no ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-24 By Admin

Used sectional disposal. Sometimes, it’s just a necessity. Now that Christmas is right around the corner, being just a week away, you thought you were prepared. But then, you learned a friend or family member is moving at the first of the year. So, you seize on the opportunity and land a nice ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-24 By Admin

Broken clothes dryer troubleshooting sounds like it’s too difficult. But, it’s actually not that hard. With just a few simple steps, you can probably identify the root of the problem. Or, at the very least, get an idea of what’s causing it to malfunction. While clothes dryers are ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-23 By Admin

Dishwasher failure signs range from all-too-obvious to subtle. Depending on the age and the make and model, failure signs might be apparent or hard to detect. Although this is a very simple household machine, it’s operation is complex. Meaning, there are several things to look out for if you ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-22 By Admin

Stop self storage lien? Yes; it’s possible. But, it is very difficult. To stop a self storage unit lien, you’ve got to take action. And, take action right away. Every day you wait just makes the situation all the worse. Although it’s not pleasant, you’ve got to do something ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-17 By Admin

Partition wall take-down isn’t just about knocking something down. Well, if it isn’t a load bearing wall, meaning that it helps to support part of your home, you can simply knock it down. Now, you’ve probably seen those do it yourself shows where a contractor or homeowner just ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

2020-06-17 By Admin

Yard sale money-making tips can really help out. With just a little information and some insight, you can earn more at your garage sale. Preparedness is at the top and a theme which runs through all the best tips and tricks for collecting more cash. If you want to make the most money on your yard ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News