Pro Junk Dispatch

News Blog

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Household junk reduction. It's easier said than done. The fact of the matter is, it's not that simple to limit what's in the house because it's so easy to overlook those closed-off storage areas. When a closet or cabinet is full, there's usually more space somewhere. So, instead ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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There are a few proven money-saving moving tips you can use to help put some cash in your pocket and to lighten the load. After all, there are always unexpected, unplanned expenses which inevitably pop-up during a move. Let's face it, the more you can save, the better because you'll need ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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Sleeper sofa disposal or, really any type of furniture removal, is actually more difficult than most people think it is. This is due to a few different factors. First, is the fact that it's used and there's little demand for it. Second, is its size, which makes it difficult to move. And then... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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The biggest rental home cleanout mistakes can really be costly. So, that's the last thing you want to do to yourself, even if it's accidental. It's always best to become educated about a topic before getting into it. Even if you've done this in the past, you should still exercise ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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We don't often stop to consider the dangers that lurk right inside our homes. While we know to keep smoke detectors powered with new batteries and to limit the number of electronics plugged into an electrical outlet, we don't necessarily think about others. Dispose of these Fremont Home ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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Attic storage space. It's limited. And, one thing we all seem to do is to collect more and more possession (read: junk). We stuff it in closets, under beds, behind things, in storage areas, and, in the attic. Eventually, there's not enough space and if your attic is ready to burst at the ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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When your property is damaged by natural weather elements or by another person's negligence, you can file an insurance claim to pay for needed repairs. One of the things that many consumers don't really understand, or even know about, is what's called, "damage mitigation." This... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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You have a rental property that's now empty, well almost empty, because the last tenant up and left without notice but did leave behind his or her furniture. Before you take possession of his or her possessions, you have to give him or her notice as to return and pick it up under supervision. ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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If you're faced with having to dispose of furniture, you'll quickly learn that it is quite unenviable position to be in, and, one that doesn't have a lot of good solutions. While leather and wood can be a bit easier to unload, these are necessarily guarantees. The reason it's hard to... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News

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Kitchen island removal is the thing to do. That is, if you want a little more walking space in your kitchen and the island which is situated right in the middle no longer serves a very useful purpose, you can remove it. Kitchen islands come in many shapes and sizes, and offer different types of ... [Read more...]

Filed Under: Company News