Pro Junk Dispatch

Top Rental Cleanout Mistakes Belden Owners Make

By Admin

Credit: House Logic[/caption]Rental clean out. Talk about a real chore. And, a time-consuming one at that. So, you don’t want to commit unforced errors. Too many landlords, property investors, and property management services have made them. And, these serve as great lessons for the future. Unfortunately, the wrong rental home clean out mistakes can easily extend vacancy much longer than necessary. In the worst cases, such errors cause a whole lot of strife and frustration.

Hire a Rental Clean Out Service or DIY?

It’s a real conundrum. Should you hire a rental home cleanout service or do it yourself? Well, it really depends on the extent of the job. In more cases than not, it’s better to have a rental home clean out service do the work. This way, you aren’t burdened by the hassle or have to commit the time and effort.

At some point in your time as a landlord, you will be faced with an empty or half empty unit, wondering where your tenant is. Perhaps it’s because you served the tenant with an eviction notice and you think they’ve moved out in the night to avoid further action. Or, another possibility is that the tenant simply wanted out of the lease and the rental property and just broke it. Either way, you now have what you think might be an abandoned rental property. However, proceeding as if the tenant is long gone can be a costly mistake for you.

Also, if you do go it on your own, you’ll need a way to haul all that junk away. Additionally, you’ll need a crew to help out. And, the right equipment. Not to mention, you’ll need to take all that stuff to the right locations for disposal or for recycling.

Top Rental Clean Out Mistakes Belden Owners Make

Now, if you still want to go the DIY route, you should know a few things about the process. Here are the key things you need to know about how to do a rental clean out right:

  • Throwing away personal possessions. Okay, so we’ve hit on this point a couple of times. But, it definitely bears repeating. Gather up all the tenant’s possessions and place them in storage. (Don’t worry, you can bill the tenant for the storage fee.)
  • Foregoing any necessary repairs. Some rental property owners try to get away with not making repairs to lower their costs. But, doing so will only cause more problems to arise. Repair everything but do try to make it cost-effective.
  • Showing the property before it’s actually ready to tour. A huge mistake is to show the house before it’s actually ready to tour. It will only turn off potential renters and stay vacant longer.

When you need residential rental clean out, just phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

Filed Under: Company News