Pro Junk Dispatch

Top Cypress Garage Cleanout Hacks You can Use

By Admin

Garage cleanout. What a huge and thankless job. But, it can be a fulfilling one, given you’ll get back much needed storage space. In any event, when it’s time for a garage clean out, it’s usually when there’s absolutely no room left to spare. So, action is necessary to reclaim the space and get organized. In the process, you’ll probably find stuff to sell off and put some cash into your pocket. Read on to learn more about garage cleanout.

About DIY Garage Cleanout

The good news is, this won’t be a difficult task. However, the bad news is it will take quite a bit of time and be a lot of work. Why most people get discouraged is because they don’t know where to start. One clever trick is to do something you’ll probably dread, and, that’s to empty it out entirely.

Garages tend to become dumps for just about everything. Because they are big open spaces, they’re easy targets for that suitcase that won’t fit in the closet, the rollerblades your daughter doesn’t want to throw away yet, the sewing machine you need to give back to your neighbor, and anything else that doesn’t have a set place. National Clean Out Your Garage Day, the Saturday after Labor Day, is a perfect time to roll up your sleeves and dive head first into the clutter. --Houzz

Once totally empty, you’ll have no choice but to finish and you’ll find it very easy to part with things you no longer want. That’s the conundrum with going section by section–if you do, it’s much easier to justify keeping things you don’t use simply to avoid having to rid yourself of them for the extra space.

Top Cypress Garage Cleanout Hacks You can Use

Now, it’s time to jump into the garage clean out so you can reclaim the space and use it for what you most want. Here are some helpful spring cleaning garage clean out tips you can use:

  • Empty it instead of shuffling. If you want results faster and without as much effort, do yourself a big favor and empty out the garage completely. Don’t try to shuffle items around because you’ll never have a clear visual of its potential. Empty it out and then you’ll have a blank slate to work with.
  • Sort everything. The very reason the garage is such a mess is because items were haphazardly throw-in, without any real organization. There ought to be three piles, one for what you’re keeping, one for what you’ll donate or sell, and one that will be thrown out.
  • Purge as much as possible. Next, go through everything and purge, purge, purge. You don’t need to hold onto a hitch bike rack that’s missing parts and is beginning to rust. You also don’t need that old fitness equipment you’ve never really touched. Make a commitment to purge and you’ll save a lot of time and effort.
  • Arrange items according to use. As you put things back, arrange them according to priority. Meaning, put stuff you most use in easy to reach places and things you use the least elsewhere.

If you really don’t have the time and need a garage clean out, just phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

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