Pro Junk Dispatch

Refrigerator Replacement in Bradenton

By Admin

Refrigerator replacement is a tricky situation. After all, it’s a major appliance. And, one loaded with hazardous materials. Translation: you can’t simply put it on the curb. If you do, the local trash collection company won’t pick it up. What’s more, you can’t give into the temptation of illegal dumping. So, just what do you do with it? Read on to learn more about refrigerator replacement.

Major Appliance Disposal

So, what’s the big deal? Why can’t you simply cart that thing out to the curb and let the local trash collection agency pick it up and haul it away? Well, because the trash collector won’t collect it, it’s really that simple. In fact, the 1990 Clean Air Act prohibits it. Anything containing CFCs or HCFCs is pretty much off limits.

You’re wasting $65 or more in electricity to run a fridge that’s at the end of its life. Before it breaks and leaves you with a lot of spoiled food on your hands, replace it with an Energy Star qualified fridge or freezer that’s no bigger than you need. They cost only half as much to run and offer advanced technology to keep your food fresher longer. --Energy

Which means, because it contains these specific hazardous materials, it’s just not a candidate for curbside pick up by the local trash collection agency. Although, you can certainly call a junk removal service to deal with it.

Refrigerator Replacement in Bradenton

Knowing this means you’ll have to find another way to get rid of it (even if it’s in good, working condition). Here’s how to start the refrigerator replacement process:

  • Sell it. Try to sell it directly to someone else or to an appliance repair and resale store. Price it very cheap so you can be rid of it as soon as possible. After all, you're not trying to make a profit off it, just get it out of your hair. Anything you get for it is well deserved; remember, you've already gotten years of use out of it.
  • Donate it. If it is in good and functioning condition, then you can give it a quick cleaning and donate it . It might just be a welcome gift to a local shelter and you get a small tax benefit, in return. Plus, it will go to a help out a good cause.
  • Fix and reuse it. While this might not initially occur to you, it is possible to have it repaired and continue to use it in another location.
  • Junk it outright. Of course, if it’s not in working condition, you can junk it and be done with it once and for all.

If you need refrigerator removal and disposal in Bradenton, just phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

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