Pro Junk Dispatch

Reduce Household Junk with these Simple Tips

By Admin

While there are several ways to reduce household junk, it's ultimately up to you to maintain a junk-free home. But, this isn't always simple and all-too-often a boring chore. However, this doesn't mean you're doomed to live among clutter and more.

Reduce Household Junk with these Simple Tips

The key to this ongoing exercise is just that -- to stay in the habit. It's more about changing your own personal behavior than anything else. After all, if you can stick to it for a few months, it becomes routine and somewhat natural. Go a bit longer and it morphs into second nature.

We all know that growing landfill mass and, sadly, even trash floating out at sea are real issues, but it can be hard to know where to start if you want to make a difference. Thankfully, it’s actually quite easy to cut way down on your household trash by making tiny changes in your shopping habits and daily routines.

Put another way, if you embrace a new normal, it's far easier not to accumulate more and more junk. Think about it this way -- how much stuff you bring into your house that really never leaves. Sure, food waste and disposable items go with the trash. But, too many other items only serve to take up precious space. So, commit to reduce household junk by following these simple suggestions:

  • Stick to a routine. This is a real challenge and it total change won't come overnight. Make no mistake about it, you'll encounter daily temptations to give in and go back to your old ways. So, set a schedule and commit to stick to it day in and day out. Over time, your "new" routine will slowly become normal and feel natural as the days pass.
  • Commit to “yes” over “no.” If you think purging once will be more than enough to keep you on the straight and narrow, you're making a huge mistake. Here's a simple thought experiment to try out. Think back to the last time you started a cleaning spree. Now, ask yourself if you grabbed an item or two or more and thought "maybe I'll use it." "Maybe" is your enemy and it only undermines your goal. Stick to "yes" and abandon "no" and "maybe."
  • Purge unused items regularly. Do not attempt to do all of it at once. You'll tire and become overwhelmed. And, that's a recipe for premature burnout. So, do this is stages and your success rate will increase substantially.
  • Don’t keep adding to your stuff. Finally, don't add to the problem by bringing more and more stuff home. Instead, replace things when necessary and don't hold onto items collecting dust.

Too much stuff? If you need junk removal, go ahead and phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

Filed Under: Company News