Pro Junk Dispatch

Household Appliance Removal Do's and Don'ts Dinuba Residents can Use

By Admin

Household appliance removal. Ugh. Talk about a big time chore with a whole lot of physical and emotional stress. It’s a huge inconvenience. It’s time consuming. Plus, it can easily be very expensive. Because once an appliance reaches the end of its life, you’ve got to replace it. That alone is a disconcerting thought. But, don’t worry, because there’s always a solution. You just have to use a bit of imagination and be willing to accept it’s a good thing in the end.

Household Appliance Removal Don’ts

Okay, for whatever reason you have one or more old appliances on your hands. And, you need to get rid of them. But, the place where you bought the replacements just doesn’t take away used appliances. It seems you’re stuck. So, you think to yourself putting them out on the curb is an option. After all, someone will pick them up. But, it won’t be the local trash collection agency. And, leave them out long enough and you might get hit with a code violation.

The cost of appliance pick-up and/or disposal varies. For example, your municipal public works department may [or may not] provide free collection of refrigerant-containing appliances or there may be a fee for this service, which may vary by appliance type. Some retailers offer appliance pick-up and disposal services with the purchase and delivery of a new model. Depending on the retailer, a fee of $10 to $50 may be charged for this service.

Of course, it’s always tempting to drop them off somewhere, like on a vacant lot, for instance. Don’t run the risk. If you’re caught for illegal dumping, you’ll wish you never even thought about it in the first place. It’s simply too risky and not worth the trouble.

Household Appliance Removal Do's Dinuba Residents can Use

So, what do you do with old appliances? The local trash collector won’t haul it away. And, you don’t want to risk a code violation or a fine for illegal dumping. Don’t worry, there are a few options available:

  • Sell them. Even if they are not in complete working condition, you might still try to sell them. Locate a few appliance repair shops and ask if they’d like the units. You just might find a taker who can fix them and sell them.
  • Donate them. While most charities will not accept non-working appliances, if the appliances are in fairly good condition and in working order, try to donate them. There are plenty of charities which welcome such amenities to help them with their work.
  • Give them away. Of course, if they work, there’s nothing wrong with giving them away. Ask around and you’ll probably find a family or a single mother, or someone else who can use them.

If you need household appliance removal, just phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

Filed Under: Company News