Pro Junk Dispatch

Helpful Moving Tips to Make it Easier

By Admin

We all need helpful moving tips to make it easier when it's time to pack-up and relocate your personal residence. Though moving isn't fun, it does present an opportunity to reclaim and organize your garage when you move into your new place. In addition, it's a great time to pare down on all those unused and unwanted possessions filling up closets, cabinets, and drawers. Moreover, it's also a time to reexamine your living expenses and make some money-saving changes.

Helpful Moving Tips to Make it Easier

If you're 4moving out of a rental property, there are some do's and don'ts you should know about. Even if you're selling your current residence and buying or renting another place to live, This is the time to plan well ahead of the actual moving day. The first thing to do is to create deadlines on a calendar. About two weeks before you move, be sure to eat all the food in the refrigerator and freezer so you don't have to throw it out at the last-minute.

Whether you're moving across the street or across the country, moving can be a hassle. But there are proven ways to minimize stress, confusion and damage when you leave one home for another. If you're contemplating moving to a new house or apartment any time soon, there are some ways you can make the move easier.

Also, submit a change of address with the postal service and update all your subscriptions, insurance, and others with your new address. Be sure to schedule a day and time to transfer or turn-on the utilities at your new address. If you're going to be taking decor with you, like window treatments, be sure to bag all the hardware when you take it down and make a mental note of how it was installed so it's quick to set-up again. Here are some more helpful moving tips to make it easier:

  • Start getting organized well in advance. Procrastination is a big mistake when it comes to moving. So, start getting organized as soon as possible. Clean out the garage, basement, attic, all the closets, cabinets, and more. Then, sort all the stuff into three categories: things that you'll take with you, items to donate and sell, and stuff to throw out.
  • Get at least three moving service estimates. Summer is the most expensive time to move, so if you are able, move during the fall or spring. Even if this isn't possible, you should get at least three moving service estimates from reputable companies. Be sure to read the fine print to learn which is actually the best one to choose.
  • Take pictures of all your home electronics' wiring. Remember all the trouble you had setting up the entertainment center? Or how long it took to set-up your desktop computer and all its peripherals? To make it easy to set-up again at your new place, take pictures of the wiring to make it a cinch.
  • Be sure to label each box by content and destination room. When you box items, take a moment to write down the contents and the destination room of each one. This way, you won't have to guess what's inside or what room it goes in as you move-in.
  • Pack a robust to-go kit. Make a to-go kit, complete with hand tools, first aid, plastic ware, paper plates, paper towels, toilet paper, toiletries, flashlight, batteries, and cleaning supplies. This will come in handy during your move more than once.

Before you pack-up everything, phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch to schedule junk removal to lighten your load and get rid of unwanted and unused items. Chances are excellent there is a lot of stuff you don't need to take with you.

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