Pro Junk Dispatch

Furniture Discarding in Clearwater

2020-12-09 By Admin

Furniture discarding. It’s a lot more difficult to do that you’d suppose. If you’ve recently bought new furniture, you’ve probably learned that you’re ostensibly stuck with the old stuff. So, why is it so hard to get rid of? There are a number of reasons. But, there are ways to dispose of it. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have options. Read on to learn more about furniture discarding and what you need to know.

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid

A very big mistake that people make with furniture removal is not thinking past the door. In other words, if you are getting rid of it entirely, there’s nothing to stop you from disassembling what pieces you can, when you can. For instance, a large, bulky armoire is much more difficult to maneuver in-tact than when it’s broken down into smaller components.

It is no secret that getting rid of a used sofa or sleeper is difficult. Upholstered furniture may not find many takers, especially when it is damaged, torn, or stained. To think that once you paid good money for a piece of furniture, that now seems to be of no interest to you or anyone else. Unfortunately, with the exception of leather, upholstered furniture is difficult to sell, and can depreciate greatly with use. --The Spruce

For large, heavy items that don’t easily deconstruct, using lifting straps and trying standing these on-end to shimmy out the door without having to put too much strain on your body. It’s a good idea to always empty-out dressers, chest of drawers, nightstands, and other types of storage pieces.

Furniture Discarding in Clearwater

Don’t worry, all is not lost! There are actually three ways to make furniture removal easy, you might just have to get a little creative to pull it off. Here are some furniture junking options you can try:

  • Sell it as a cheap bundle. One thing that keeps people from selling old furniture is trying to get as much money as they can when all they really want is to be rid of it. If you bundle it up and offer it for next to nothing, you might find a buyer. If you don’t, offer it all up for free.
  • Donate it to a shelter. We’re not just talking about people here, but also, rescue pets. Shelters need furnishings, no matter who they serve and you might well have something that’s really needed.
  • Call a junk hauling service. If you can’t get rid of it any other way, this is your best option. You won’t have to lift a finger and it will be taken care of in no time.
  • Consider repurposing what you can. Don’t immediately resign every piece to the trash heap. Instead, think about other uses in another area of the house. This way, you cut down on the project and introduce more function with little to no cost.

When you need furniture dumping in Clearwater, just phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

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