Pro Junk Dispatch

Bathroom Vanity Replacement in Tampa

2020-08-19 By Admin

Bathroom vanity replacement is something that just about any handy individual can do. But, it does require some familiarity with electrical, plumbing, and carpentry. Whether it’s outdated or damaged, you could do the job on your own. Regardless, it is a home improvement project that can be done DIY. So, read on to learn more about bathroom vanity replacement.

Fixture Disposal

Where many people go wrong isn’t with their planning but their lack of details. Put another way, people often have a general overview of how to tackle a home renovation project but are skimpy on the details. For instance, you know you want to update the bathroom. So, you pick out a new vanity and sink, along with a new floor rug, a couple of nice towel racks, and perhaps a great hamper.

For the easiest installation buy a new vanity and sink that are the same sizes as the old ones. Of course you can always measure your space and find a sink and vanity that will fit. --Lowes

But, what you’ve skipped over is where it gets tricky. In other words, what are you going to do with all that old stuff? Where does the junk go that’s being replaced by all the new items? You’ve got to have a plan for how to deal with the debris because there will be a whole lot of it. Do yourself a favor and schedule a junk removal service to come by and this way, you won’t have to worry about it.

Bathroom Vanity Replacement in Tampa

Now, as far as bathroom vanity replacement process goes, it’s something just about anyone with a bit of skill can pull off. Start by emptying the cabinet and then remove the doors to make it easier to handle once it’s out. Put all of it aside, out of the way so you have ample room to work. Then, do the following:

  • Take down the mirror. Remove the mirror from the wall that's on top of the vanity. Put it aside somewhere out of the way.
  • Turn off and disconnect the lines. Next, turn off the water supply and drain the lines. Then, disconnect the water supply lines underneath.
  • Pull the sink out and pull off the top. Score around the sink with a utility knife, and then pry it out of place. Next, you'll need to remove the vanity top. Inspect it to see how it's fastened and then take it off.
  • Pull the vanity out of place carefully. To finish, you'll need to break the seal between the vanity and the wall with a utility knife. Thereafter, you can pull it away from the wall. Exercise caution so you don't damage the wall itself.

Once you’re done and need help with bathroom vanity replacement in Tampa, phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

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