Pro Junk Dispatch

Glued-Down Carpet Removal and Disposal in Cape Coral

2021-11-23 By Owen

Glued-Down Carpet Removal and Disposal in Cape CoralGlue-down carpet removal. Talk about a big-time job. More like a laborious task that takes hours on end. It’s a work-intensive thing to do, precisely because of its installation. In fact, it’s one of the most difficult home improvement projects anyone can take on, no matter their handyman chops. This is due to the fact that it’s very labor-intensive and more about time and effort than nuance.

Glued-Down Carpet Disposal in Cape Coral

Perhaps the biggest challenge with indoor-outdoor carpet removal isn’t taking it up off the floor. It’s actually how to dispose of it. You see, you can’t just roll it out to the curb because the local trash collection agency probably won’t pick it up.

A “glued-down” floor refers to flooring installed on a concrete or plywood subfloor with adhesive. Vinyl tiles and sheet vinyl, as well as some types of hardwood and carpet, are installed using an adhesive. Remove the flooring with a floor-scraping tool. For large rooms, a walk-behind power scraper works best. --San Francisco Gate Homeguides

So, you have to dispose of it in another way. Do yourself a favor and call in a local junk removal service to dispose of it for you. This way, you don’t have to deal with having to recycle it or take it to another drop-off location. Plus, you can take the opportunity to unload a bunch of other unwanted stuff at the same time.

Glued-Down Carpet Removal

To remove the glue-down carpet, you’ll have to do it step-by-step. Unfortunately, there are no workable shortcuts. So, here’s how to do glue-down carpet removal right. Start by emptying the room completely. Leave no furniture or decor behind. Then, do the following to remove glue-down carpet:

  • Cut the carpet into sections. Cut into the carpet with a utility knife, scoring it from one end of the room to the other. Then, go across the room, creating four separate sections. Cut again in both directions until there are four different sections.
  • Scrape from the corners inward. Next, insert a floor scraper under the carpet in a corner and work under it to the other sides. (It might be possible to pull up entire sections once initially loosened.)
  • Remove the adhesive from the subfloor. Use a glue dissolution solvent to remove the adhesive from the floor; following the manufacturer’s instructions to get the best results.

After you’ve pulled the glue-down carpet up, you’ll need to dispose of it properly in Cape Coral. So, go ahead and phone 800-737-5923 or visit Pro Junk Dispatch.

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